+ 381 22 2451 630 tehnobozici@gmail.com Address: Stojana Cupica 55, 15000 Sabac, Serbia
Plum with our climate is one of the highest quality and most nutritious in the world and as such has always been considered to be a real Serbian brand. Recognizably good taste, high gloss black epidermis darkly and many useful properties, putting them on a pedestal among the domestic fruit. Plum, which we use to obtain the central products of our company is the variety "Stanley". I was drying in tunnel kilns with capacity of 160 tons in 24 hours. Dried further calibrated in size, if customers desired we can remove kernel and eventually packed in packages on request. The entire manufacturing process takes place on their own machines and the control most qualified staff.
The facts and interesting facts related to dry plums:
- One of the oldest Chinese medicine is made from very dry (smoked) and plum called Ubai. This drug relieves symptoms of nausea, fever and cough. - The composition of dried plums is concentrated sorbotol and fiber, which gives them greater laxative effect of fresh plums. - Topping the list of 24 types of fruit antioxidant power is fresh plums (Prunus domestica), and prune away in front of dried figs, urmi, grapes, apricots ... - Women who care about appearance and health of your body, you should know that prunes are destroying free radicals in the blood, and thus slow down the aging and getting wrinkles prematurely. - Prunes are recommended for proper growth and development. - They are especially rich in vitamins A and C, calcium, magnesium and iron.